Industrial Shredder for Cement Industry


Cement production is an extremely energy-intensive process that emits approx. 8% of the world’s CO2. There are huge economic and environmental benefits to be made by replacing fossil fuels with alternative fuels made from waste.

Cement producers utilizing alternative fuels such as refuse-derived fuel (RDF) and solid recovered fuel (SRF) can gain a substantial competitive edge. In many cases, however, input waste streams contain diverse materials not suitable for co-processing in the cement kiln. A well-designed alternative fuel production process ensures the best quality.

Cement Industry Shredder

To maximize energy production with the lowest possible emissions, a homogeneous grain size, high calorific value, controlled material composition, removal of fines, low chloride and a stable humidity content are a must. Opening waste bags and reducing the size of waste by pre-shredding ensures that unwanted items can be screened and separated from the process.

Later in the process, when you have achieved an optimal material content for the alternative fuel, fine-shedding will make it the right shape and size for combustion to maximize energy generation. The factory needs an extremely homogeneous product, where the same level of calorie content and calorific value are maintained across all bales and deliveries. It’s a matter of fuel composition, and the shredding of fractions is particularly relevant.

Advantages of GEP ECOTECH Shredder for Cement Industry

Industrial Shredder Waste Shredder Alternative Fuel AFR Shredder Industrial Shredder for Sale Waste Co-processing RDF/SRF Shredder Cement Plant Alternative Fuel
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