Waste Pyrolysis

Waste Pyrolysis is an innovative process that involves heating organic materials, such as biomass or certain types of waste, in the absence of oxygen to break them down into valuable products like biofuels, biochar, and gases. This eco-friendly technology reduces waste, generates renewable energy, and contributes to sustainable waste management and resource utilization.

Portable Pyrolysis Plant

Pyrolysis Plants use high temperatures to decompose organic matter for the purpose of reduction and recycling. Unlike large-scale waste pyrolysis facilities, portable pyrolysis plants are primarily designed for small and medium-sized projects, aiming to address the issue of waste transfer and pollution. They feature a compact design, easy mobility, and simple installation, allowing for quick deployment into operational mode.They can handle various wastes including municipal solid waste, medical waste, agricultural and forestry waste, biomass, rubber tires, plastics, sludge, etc. The resulting products include combustible gases, fuel oil, carbon black, ash, and more.Portable Pyrolysis Plants have excellent economic efficiency. The combustible gases generated during their operation can provide heat for the continuous operation of the system. Excess gases, fuel oil, and carbon black, among other products, can be sold as commodities.GEP ECOTECH's portable pyrolysis solution is developed based on years of

Plastic Waste Processing

Plastic pollution is one of the most pressing environmental challenges of our time. Microplastic particles have been discovered in the bodies of many marine animals. Processing and recycling plastics not only reduces pollution but also conserves natural resources. Moreover, it's a profitable endeavor.Humans have invented various types of plastics, including polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride, polystyrene, and more. These polymer compounds are all recyclable and should not be disposed of or left in landfills, leaving pollution and danger for future generations.There are many ways to utilize recycled plastics. They can be turned into recycled plastic granules, waste-derived fuels, or even converted into fuel oil and gas through pyrolysis.Plastic Granulation RecyclingBy sorting, shredding, cleaning, and granulating manufacturing waste or post-consumer plastic products, they are transformed into plastic pellets that can be used to create new plastic products.Plastic Recycling for FuelCertain mixed,